3 Simple Ways to Improve Kiln Performance For More Consistent Art-Making

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Any artists who works with kilns knows the struggles of kiln operation. Though a powerful and beautiful tool for art-making, kilns are nothing if not temperamental. One tiny variation in temperature or length of firing could ruin the pieces you spend hours preparing.

A few simple tricks and hacks won't make kiln operation a walk in the park. However, there are a few strategies artists can employ to help improve kiln performance.

Whether you're a potter, glass maker, or blacksmith, try any of the following techniques to develop a better relationship with your most important artistic tool:

Keep Records of Past Projects

Every kiln is a unique piece of equipment that has its own quirks. Just as most recipes say "cooking times may vary," your firing times may vary based on your equipment. Start a journal or record book of kiln use for all your projects. If you use pyrometric cones, make note of how they melted with each use. Keeping records like these will help you notice if your kiln's thermometer system is slightly off. And, if you notice firings are taking longer than usual, it could be a sign that your equipment needs kiln repair.

Learn the Basics of Kiln Repair

Learning basic maintenance and repair is a good idea for any kind of equipment, and kilns are no exception. Since kiln elements typically last for about 100 firings, learning basic maintenance is essential if you plan on creating any quantity of artwork. Take the time to research some common kiln issues that can easily be remedied. You might be able to fix rusting screws, mend minor lid cracks, and perform power cable replacements on your own. Also learn how to recognize bigger kiln issues that may require expert maintenance and repair.

Order High Temperature Ceramic Coating From A Ceramic Coating Supplier

For basic, all-around kiln performance improvement, applying ITC 100 coating is a great first step. Thermal insulation coating from ceramic coating suppliers creates a layer of heat protection that guards the kiln's outer mechanisms against high temperatures. Through refraction and heat dispersion, ITC ceramic coatings minimize glaze sticking and improve kiln efficiency. These coatings also encourage equipment longevity and prevent heat loss for more consistent firings.

As many artists know, working with kilns is an art in itself. Use these tips to boost kiln performance for more reliable and predictable art-making. With patience, research, and a few good tools, your kiln can help you produce wonderful pieces for years to come.

For more information or to order ceramic coating, contact ITC coatings, the ceramic coating suppliers art makers trust.

Justen Womack